A new revolutionary approach for beauty, health & wellness.




The therapeutic application of INDIBA bases its effects on a thermal increase in the treated tissues (diathermy). In addition, INDIBA technology generates unique and scientifically proven electrical effects for the 448 kHz frequency on the cell structure, promoting an acceleration in tissue repair mechanisms.

INDIBA technology allows the therapy through biostimulation generated by the electrical effect or through the generation of tissue heat together.

Main aspects of technology:

  • Thermal and sub-thermal effect
  • Unlimited depth thanks to its use in closed circuit
  • Stable and consistent frequency of use in large body areas
  • Combination with other therapies and rehabilitation techniques

Product Description

INDIBA® ACUS is the latest revolutionary INDIBA therapy device that administers High Frequency Neuromodulation of pain for both acute and chronic on targeted areas, as well as for the balancing of the nervous system by using a stable flow of 448kHz frequency current.

The treatment is hands-free and skills-free allowing you to free up time and manpower without compromising on results while letting customers enjoy a relaxing and undisturbed therapy.

The benefits are given by the unique effects of INDIBA technology:

  • Relieves chronic pain
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Regains vitality
  • Restores skin radiance
  • Improves overall well-being



  • Use of pacemakers or other electronic implants.
  • Pregnancy
  • Thrombophlebitis



  • Oncological patient:
    • Cured patient. Can be treated.
    • Active tumour. Avoid tumour and regional ganglions.
    • During oncological treatment. Refer to the oncologist.
  • Infections: do not treat the involved area.
  • Anticoagulant medication: ask the doctor in charge.
  • Treatment in paediatric population: Ask the pediatrician in charge, given authorization, apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired cognition. Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired sensation: Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Wounds and burns: Work under aseptic conditions and under subthermal mode.


What to expect after treatment?

After treatment, it is normal for patients to feel a warm sensation in the treatment area. The patient may also notice some temporary discomfort in this area. Rarely, the application of INDIBA® PROIONIC® Creams may cause minor skin irritation.