INDIBA Hairwave

The device for specialized hair clinics.

INDIBA® HairWave equipment uses our patented Proionic® System, which promotes blood flow, stimulating healthy cell function and revitalization through a specific INDIBA of 448 kHz, creating thermal and subthermal effects


INDIBA Hairwave

The device for specialized hair clinics.

INDIBA® HairWave equipment uses our patented Proionic® System, which promotes blood flow, stimulating healthy cell function and revitalization through a specific INDIBA of 448 kHz, creating thermal and subthermal effects


What is HairWave?

HairWave is the new INDIBA® tabletop device designed specifically for doctors specialized in hair treatments and techniques. With new software and new protocols, helps to restore hair health and supplement other hair clinic procedures.

Hairwave technology counts on more than 35 years of INDIBA experience in the INDIBA market and presents our patented Proionic® System, that fosters blood flood and boosts cellular functionality and regeneration through INDIBA specific 448kHz INDIBA.

How does INDIBA Hairwave work?

The INDIBA® technology, thanks to the patented Proionic® System, increases tissue temperature and cell activity, stimulating and oxygenating the tissue from the inside, thus promoting blood flow. The improvement of this flow favours the arrival of necessary nutrients so that the cells at the base of the hair follicle multiply (mitotic activity) and replicate (regenerative activity), thus forming the hair.

The increase and improvement in blood flow, resulting from the application of INDIBA®, also encourages amino acids (essential components of proteins) to reach the hair follicle, which is then incorporated into the structure of the keratin (essential protein in the structure of the hair fibre), strengthening and increasing its quality.

Cell Boost Technology

Our patented Cell Boost technology optimizes the effects of INDIBA® HairWave treatments, intensifying and improving treatment results.

INDIBA Hairwave Treatments


Testimonials and Reviews

Accessories & Consumables

Hair Electrodes

Electrodes for hair treatments.

Handle holder

High design handle holder to offer the best comfort during hair treatments

Hair Lotion

Hair Lotion to enhance the experience and results of hair treatments.

Hair Complex

Prolongs and strengthens the effectiveness of treatments.


  • Use of pacemakers or other electronic implants.
  • Pregnancy
  • Thrombophlebitis



  • Oncological patient:
    • Cured patient. Can be treated.
    • Active tumour. Avoid tumour and regional ganglions.
    • During oncological treatment. Refer to the oncologist.
  • Infections: do not treat the involved area.
  • Anticoagulant medication: ask the doctor in charge.
  • Treatment in paediatric population: Ask the pediatrician in charge, given authorization, apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired cognition. Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired sensation: Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Wounds and burns: Work under aseptic conditions and under subthermal mode.


What to expect after treatment?

After treatment, it is normal for patients to feel a warm sensation in the treatment area. The patient may also notice some temporary discomfort in this area. Rarely, the application of INDIBA® PROIONIC® Creams may cause minor skin irritation.