
INDIBA® IA 100 technology you can offer your clients the inestimable opportunity to achieve wonderful result.

Product benefits

INDIBA’s patented Proionic® System creates thermal and sub-thermal effects that allow for a wide range of wellness and beauty treatments.

INDIBA treatments are safe, painless and non-invasive, offer a pleasant experience to the client and show visible results from the very first session.

IA 100 includes the innovative Boost technology, an optional functionality that modifies the amplitude of the intensity delivered in a certain way. This allows to increase the compaction effect and to accelerate the results and effectiveness of the treatment (while improving the client’s perception during the session). Boost technology optimizes the effects of the INDIBA® method, intensifying and enhancing the results of the treatment.


Accessories & Consumables


Sculpture Electrodes

A pack of three new electrodes with accessories and protocols, which will help you focus on the most in-demand body relaxation treatments.


Premium Electrodes

This pack offers new treatment options to get the most out of your.


Hair Relax Pack

Specific pack of accessories and cosmetics to maximise the results for different hair relaxation treatments.


Proionic® Creams

Paraben free with slightly acidic pH; to increase electrical conductivity, facilitate a good sliding movement and improve final results.


  • Use of pacemakers or other electronic implants.
  • Pregnancy
  • Thrombophlebitis



  • Infections: do not treat the involved area.
  • Anticoagulant medication: ask the doctor in charge.
  • Treatment in paediatric population: Ask the pediatrician in charge, given authorization, apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired cognition & sensation: Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Wounds and burns: Work under aseptic conditions and under subthermal mode.


What to expect after treatment?

After treatment, it is normal for customers to feel a warm sensation in the treatment area. The customer may also notice some temporary discomfort in this area. Rarely, the application of INDIBA® PROIONIC® Creams may cause minor skin irritation.