DUAL customer base, one solution.

If you can treat them both, why not have one tool for both? Treat both patients, horses and riders, with one device.


What is the INDIBA DUAL?

Using our 35 years experience and scientific evidence on INDIBA in the treatment of humans and animals, we are able to create the ONLY INDIBA device that is certified to be used on both horses and riders – INDIBA DUAL*.

If you are versatile, why shouldn’t we be too?

*INDIBA DUAL is only available in the UK & Ireland territories. Intended users of the DUAL device must be professionals officially certified to apply treatments on both humans and horses ACPAT/SOAP/MCA or BVCA professionals. In case of doubt, please contact us.

Product benefits

If you can treat them both, why not have one tool for both? Treat both patients, horses and riders, with one device.

The INDIBA DUAL device covers the basic needs of the professional*:

  • Dual application device that they can use for all their patients-humans and horses
  • Training sessions to learn the specific applications on each patient type
  • Separate sets of accessories to maintain safety and cleanliness

These are the unique benefits from using INDIBA technology for both humans and horses:

  • Increases tissue temperature
  • Increases the volume and intensity of blood flow, oxygen supply and nutrients
  • Provides analgesic effect, controls inflammation and accelerates wound healing
  • Increases cellular metabolism and biostimulation
  • Provides ionic balance in the cell, which normalizes and optimizes cellular activity
  • Allows treatment in areas traditionally not suitable for electrotherapy (compatible with metal implants)
  • Allows passive exercise during treatment


The therapeutic application of INDIBA is based on a thermal increase in the treated tissues (diathermy). In addition, INDIBA technology generates unique and scientifically proven electrical effects within the cell structure from the proprietary 448 kHz frequency, thereby promoting an acceleration in tissue repair mechanisms.

INDIBA technology allows the treatment of lesions through biostimulation as generated by the electrical effect, or through the dual effect of biostimulation and heat generation within the tissue.

Main aspects of technology:

  • Thermal and subthermal effect
  • Closed circuit nature of the technology allows for its use in greater depth, without damaging the tissue
  • Unlimited frequency of use on large body areas
  • Combination with other therapies and rehabilitation techniques

Equine applications

  • Rehabilitation
  • Pain management
  • Accelerating recovery
  • Immediate post-surgical use or in an acute stage as conservative treatment
  • Injury prevention
  • Improvement of quality of life in geriatric animals or in animals with chronic pain or degenerative illnesses that affect the musculoskeletal system
  • For external use only

Human applications

  • Injuries of the musculoskeletal system (muscle contracture, tears and strains, tendinitis, sprains, synovitis, bursitis).
  • Treatment of painful joint conditions (arthritis, osteoarthritis).
  • Inflammatory processes accompanied by pain in the extremities and spine (neck pain, back pain, lumbago, sciatica, herniated disc, carpal tunnel syndrome, tension headaches).

Clinical Cases

Accessories & Consumables



You can purchase electrodes, either capacitive or resistive, either to replace those that have been worn or damaged by use or to keep as spares.



Ideal accessory to combine INDIBA with deep tissue massage, since the electrode is integrated in the manual technique and allows reaching structures with greater depth and less pain.


Transport Solutions

With the mobile clinic in mind, the products in this series are carefully designed to facilitate and protect equipment and accessories during transport.


Vet Conductive Gel

It is formulated not only to conduct INDIBA’s exclusive electromagnetic current at 448 kHz, but also to protect your electrodes from premature wear.


Activ Proionic® Cream

Designed to improve the effectiveness of INDIBA® Activ treatments, our cream is paraben free with slightly acidic pH.


  • Use of pacemakers or other electronic implants.
  • Pregnancy
  • Thrombophlebitis



  • Oncological patient:
    • Cured patient. Can be treated.
    • Active tumour. Avoid tumour and regional ganglions.
    • During oncological treatment. Refer to the oncologist.
  • Infections: do not treat the involved area.
  • Anticoagulant medication: ask the doctor in charge.
  • Treatment in paediatric population: Ask the pediatrician in charge, given authorization, apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired cognition. Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired sensation: Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Wounds and burns: Work under aseptic conditions and under subthermal mode.


What to expect after treatment?

After treatment, it is normal for patients to feel a warm sensation in the treatment area. The patient may also notice some temporary discomfort in this area. Rarely, the application of INDIBA® PROIONIC® Creams may cause minor skin irritation.